VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Andere Kombinationen

  • Katja mira Amsel, 1951 [Originalkombination]

2.2. Typenmaterial

Amsel (1951: 547) macht keine Angaben zum Fundort und zur Zahl der Falter: „Genitalapparat des Männchens: Uncus abgerundet, Gnathos kräftig, Valven mit fingerförmig entwickeltem, grossem Clasper. GU 863 a.“

Rajaei & al. (2023: 245) bemerken: “This species was described by Amsel (1951: 546) based on a single male specimen from Iran, without a more detailed type locality. Later it was reported by Amsel (1961a) from prov. Fars, and we suppose that its type locality is located in that province.”

2.3. Literatur