Version 2 / 3 vom 21. Juli 2023 um 17:42:53 von Jürgen Rodeland
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2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Alipanah & Asselbergs (2014: 280): “Holotype: male, Iran: Yazd Province, Abarkuh (previously known as Abarghou), 31˚ 8΄ N, 53˚ 17΄ E, 1500 m,, leg. Shams-Zadeh (GS: HA–1492). Deposited in Hayk Mirzayans Insect Museum (HMIM) of the Iranian Research Institute of Plant Protection (IRIPP), Tehran. Paratypes: 8 males, 9 females, Iran: Yazd Province, Abarkuh, same coordinates as holotype, 1500 m,, leg. Shams-Zadeh; 6 males, 3 females, Arbakuh, 1500 m, same coordinates as holotype, 1.viii.2010, leg. Shams-Zadeh. Deposited in HMIM.”

2.2. Literatur