Version 26 / 29 vom 9. Oktober 2023 um 20:12:30 von Jürgen Rodeland
2. Diagnose
2.1. Männchen
1: ♂, Slowakei, Hronské Kl'ačany, 148 m, 17. Mai 2001 (leg., coll., det. & fot.: František Kosorín)Forum
2.2. Genitalien
2.2.1. Männchen
1: ♂, Daten siehe ♂ Diagnosebild 1 (leg., coll., det. & fot.: František Kosorín)Forum
2.3. Erstbeschreibung
1: Hodgkinson (1882) [nach Copyright-freiem Scan auf]
3. Biologie
3.1. Nahrung der Raupe
- [Juncaceae:] Juncus gerardii (Salz-Binse, Bodden-Binse, Botten-Binse)
Nach Emmet et al. (1996: 328) und Baldizzone (2019: 354) lebt die Art ausschließlich an der Salz-Binse (Juncus gerardii).
(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)
4. Weitere Informationen
4.1. Andere Kombinationen
- Perygra adjunctella (Hodgkinson, 1882) [so bei Anikin et al. (2017)]
4.2. Synonyme
- Coleophora paludicola Stainton, 1885
- Coleophora aratorensis Barasch, 1934
4.3. Typenmaterial
Baldizzone (1994: 148-149) designierte einen Lectotypus: “Lectotypus ♂ [designato in questa sede] conservato al BMNH, reca le seguenti etichette: 1) “LECTOTYPE” (a stampa, rotondo, orlato di blu), 2) “Humprey Hd. LANCS. c. 1878” (a mano), 3) “ENGLAND, Hodkinson Coll., Stevens 14.XII.1897, 53315” (a mano), 4) “Walsingham Collection, 1910-427” (a stampa), 5) “COLEOPHORA ADJUNCTELLA Hdgn. Ent. Mo. Mag. XVII. 189 (1882) “CO-TYPE” 7/15” (a mano), 6) “B.M. ♂ Genitalia slide No. 3799” (a stampa e mano).”
4.4. Literatur
- Аникин, В. В. (2021): К фауне молей-чехлоносок (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) Дальнего Востока России [Anikin, V. V. (2021): Notes on casebearer moths (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) fauna of the Russian Far East]. — Амурский зоологический журнал 13 (3): 319-330.
- Anikin, V.V., Sachkov, S.A. & V.V. Zolotuhin (2017): "Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis": from P. Pallas to present days. — Proceedings of the Museum Witt Munich, Volume 7: 1-696; Munich and Vilnius.
- Lectotypus-Festlegung: Baldizzone, G. (1994): Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Coleophoridae LXXV. Coleophoridae dell'Area Irano-Anatolica e regioni limitrofe (Lepidoptera). — Associazione Naturalistica Piemontese Memorie 3: 1-423. Stenstrup (Apollo Books).
- Baldizzone, G. (2019): Fauna d’Italia. Vol. LIII. Lepidoptera Coleophoridae. - XVII + 907 S.; Milano (Calderini).
- Emmet, A.M., Langmaid, J.R., Bland, K.P., Corley, M.F.V. & J. Razowski (1996): Coleophoridae. - S. 126-338. In: Emmet, A.M. [Hrsg.](1996): The moths and butterflies of Great Britain and Ireland. Volume 3. Yponomeutidae - Elachistidae. - 452 S.; Colchester, Essex.
- Фалькович, М. И. (1992): К фауне чехлоносок (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) южной Туркмении (с описанием новых видов) Часть 2. — Труды Зоологического института Российскии Академии Наук 248: 96-126.
- Erstbeschreibung: Hodgkinson, J. B. (1882): A new species of Coleophora (C. adjunctella, Hodgk.). — The Entomologist's Monthly Magazine 18: 189. London (John van Voorst).
- Kim, M., Lee, B.-W., Lee, H.-S. & K.-T. Park (2013): Eleven Species, Including Three Unrecorded Species, Belonging to Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera) Collected from Baengnyeong and Yeonpyeong Islands, Korea [김민영, 이봉우, 이흥식, 이흥식 (2013): 백령도와 연평도에서 채집된 한국산 통나방과 (나비목)의 3 미기록종]. — Korean Journal of Applied Entomology [한국응용곤충학회지] 52 (4): 321-326. [PDF auf]