1. Live pictures
1.1. Imago
1: Frankreich, La Réunion, Ste. Marie, Rivière des Pluies, Raupenfund 17. Dezember 2009, e.l. 1. Januar 2010 (leg., cult., det. & Foto: Georg Paulus)Forum
2: Frankreich, La Réunion, 97490 Ste. Clotilde, Ravine du Chaudron, 4. September 2009 (det. & Freilandfoto: Georg Paulus)Forum
3: ♂, Australia, Queensland, Cairns-area., Kuranda, Black Mountain Road, 452 m, e.o. breeding, ♀: 27. April 2009 lux; (det. & phot.: Egbert Friedrich)
4: ♀, Australia, Queensland, Cairns-area., Kuranda, Black Mountain Road, 452 m, e.o. breeding, ♀: 27. April 2009 lux; (det. & phot.: Egbert Friedrich)
5: ♀, Australia, Queensland, Cairns-area., Kuranda, Black Mountain Road, 452 m, e.o. breeding, ♀: 27. April 2009 lux; (det. & phot.: Egbert Friedrich)
6-7: Indonesien, Bali, Batubulan, Viehweide, 70 m, Raupe auf Crotalaria anagyroides am 15. März 2020, e.l. 22. März 2020 (fot.: Kersten Krause), det. Roland BreithauptForum
1.2. Caterpillar
1-3: Frankreich, La Réunion, Ste. Marie, Rivière des Pluies, 17. Dezember 2009 (leg., cult., det. & Fotos: Georg Paulus)Forum
4: im Verpuppungsgespinst, Funddaten wie Bild 1-3 (Foto am 25. Dezember 2009: Georg Paulus)
5-8: Australia, Queensland, Cairns-area., Kuranda, Black Mountain Road, 452 m, e.o. breeding, ♀: 27. April 2009 lux; (det. & phot.: Egbert Friedrich)
9: Madagaskar, Andasibe, ca. 980 m, 15. April 2014 (fot.: Peter Ginzinger), det. Tonton BernardoForum
10: Indonesien, Bali, Batubulan, Viehweide, 70 m, auf Crotalaria retusa, 13. März 2020 (fot.: Kersten Krause), det. Roland BreithauptForum
11: Indonesien, Bali, Batubulan, auf Crotalaria retusa, 16. April 2020 (det. & fot.: Kersten Krause)
1.3. Pupa
1-2: Frankreich, La Réunion, Ste. Marie, Rivière des Pluies, Raupenfund 17. Dezember 2009 (leg., cult., det. & Fotos am 26. Dezember 2009: Georg Paulus)Forum
3-5: Australia, Queensland, Cairns-area., Kuranda, Black Mountain Road, 452 m, e.o. breeding, ♀: 27. April 2009 lux; (det. & phot.: Egbert Friedrich)
6: Indonesien, Bali, Batubulan, Viehweide, 70 m, Raupe auf Crotalaria anagyroides, 15. März 2020 (fot.: Kersten Krause), det. Roland BreithauptForum
2. Diagnosis
2.1. Original description
1-3: Drury (1773: 11, Index to the Second Volume, pl. VI fig. 3) [nach Copyright-freien Scans auf]
4. Further information
4.1. Other combinations
- Phalaena astrea Drury, 1773 [original combination]
4.2. Synonyms
- Phalaena cribraria Clerck, 1764 [synonym according to]
- Bombyx pylotis Fabricius, 1775 [synonym according to]
- Deiopeia dulcis Walker, 1854 [synonym according to]
- Xanthestes guttata Ramburs, [1866] [synonym according to]
- Argina notata Butler, 1877 [synonym according to]
- Alpenus multiguttatus Swinhoe, 1892 [synonym according to]
- Argina perforata Seitz, 1914 [synonym according to]
4.3. Subspecies
- Argina astraea pardalina (Walker, [1865]) [subspecies according to]
4.4. Literature
- Original description: Drury, D. (1773): Illustrations of Natural History. Wherein are exhibited Upwards of Two Hundred and Twenty Figures of Exotic Insects, According to their different Genera; Very few of which have hitherto been figured by any Author, Being engraved and coloured from Nature, with the greatest Accuracy, and under the Author's own Inspection, On Fifty Copper-Plates. With a particular Description of each Insect: Interspersed with Remarks and Reflections of the Nature and Properties of many of them. Vol. II: i-vii, 1-90, pl. I-L, Index to the First Volume, Errata and Addenda to the First Volume [not paginated], Index to the Second Volume, Errata and Addenda to the Second Volume [not paginated]. London.
- Hemming, F. (1957): Opinion 474. Determination of the dates to be assigned for the purposes of the Law of Priority to the names published in Dru Drury's Illustrations of Natural History in the period 1770-1782. — Opinions and Declarations rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 16 (16): 297-306.