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2. Diagnose

2.1. Erstbeschreibung

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Andere Kombinationen

3.2. Faunistik

Die Fauna Europaea [Fauna Europaea, last update 29 August 2013, version 2.6.2] führt die Art nur aus dem Süden des europäischen Teils von Russland auf. Was Leraut (2014) mit seiner Formulierung "From central Europe and east to Russia (Sarepta (Volgograd -ex Stalingrad)" meint, bleibt vor diesem Hintergrund unklar.

3.3. Taxonomie

Bidzilya et al. (2020) stellen fest: "Anerastia incarnatella (Ragonot, 1887) was described from a single female collected in Sarepta. The taxonomic status of this species is unclear as the type remains unstudied. Leraut (2014: 93-94) synonymized dubia with incarnatella based on his study of a single male from Sarepta. However, he provided no evidences that this male is conspecific both with the female holotype of incarnatella and the male lectotype of dubia. Moreover, the figure of the male genitalia of the specimen from Sarepta (Leraut 2014: 92, fig. 42c) is rather schematic and difficult to interpret: only one long cornutus is figured in the vesica of the aedeagus. Thus, we do not see any reasons to consider A. dubia as a synonym of A. incarnatella and reject here the synonymy proposed by Leraut (2014): A. dubia spec. rev., syn. nov. of A. lotella." Da sie in der Gegend Tiere fanden, die sich genitaliter von Anerastia lotella unterschieden, sehen sie selbst hier noch Klärungsbedarf via Barcoding.

Bidzilya et al. (2024: 97) halten A. incarnatella weiterhin für ein wahrscheinliches Synonym von A. lotella, das aber noch zu studieren ist: "The latter was described from a single female collected in Sarepta (currently Krasnoarmeysk near Volgograd, Russia). The taxonomic status of this species is unclear as the type remains unstudied. However, it is most probably another synonym of A. lotella."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.4. Publikationsdatum der Erstbeschreibung

28. Dezember 1887 (Begründung siehe unter Acrobasis niveicinctella).

(Autor: Jürgen Rodeland)

3.5. Literatur