1. Live pictures
1.1. Imago
1.2. Raupe
1: Thailand, Khao Sok, 1. Januar 2013 (fot.: Florian Nantscheff), det. Roland BreithauptForum
2-3: Indonesien, Bali, Ubud, 24. März 2023 (det. & fot.: Kersten Krause)
4: Indonesien, Bali, Pura Pasar Agung, 22. Januar 2019 (det. & fot.: Kersten Krause)
5-7: Sri Lanka, Westküste, Negombo, Garten Strauch, 10 m, 27. Januar 2018, Tagfund (fot.: Inge Sterk), det. Dominik HoferForum
2. Diagnosis
2.1. Original description
1-3: Hübner (1823: 19, pl. [51] figs. 293-294) [from copyright-free scans at www.biodiversitylibrary.org]
3. Further information
3.1. Other combinations
- Dasychira mendosa (Hübner, 1823)
3.2. Synonyms
- Antipha basalis Walker, 1855 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Nioda fusiformis Walker, 1855 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Rilia lanceolata Walker, 1855 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Dasychira sawanta Moore, [1860] [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Dasychira basalis Walker, 1865 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Dasychira basigera Walker, 1865 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Dasychira divisa Walker, 1865 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Rilias distinguenda Walker, 1865 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- ?Olene basivitta Walker, 1865 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Rilia basivitta Walker, 1869 [synonym according to funet.fi]
- Turriga invasa Walker, 1869 [synonym according to funet.fi]
3.3. Faunistics
The species is found from Australia and Indonesia to Taiwan, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bangla Desh to India.
Kuchlein & de Vos (1999: 221) give a report to The Netherlands: [1] Dasychira mendosa Hübner, 1823 was imported to the Netherlands in 1988 and 1990 on Bonsai-trees from Taiwan (Romeijn, i.l.)."
(Author: Erwin Rennwald)
3.4. Literature
- Original description: Hübner, J. (1823): Zuträge zur Sammlung exotischer Schmettlinge [sic], bestehend in Bekundigung einzelner Fliegmuster neuer oder rarer nichteuropäischer Gattungen. Zweytes Hundert: 1-32, 8 unpaginated pages, pl. [36]-[69]. Augsburg.
- Kuchlein, J.H. & R. de Vos (1999): Geannoteerde Naamlijst van de Nederlandse Vlinders - Annotated Checklist of the Dutch Lepidoptera. — 302 S.; Leiden (Backhuys Publishers)