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2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Ratzel & Mironov (2012: 57): “Holotype: ♀, Iran, Fars, Umgebung von Chiraz, ca 1600 m, 10. Apr. 1937, coll. Brandt; 92/57; spec.?; R.M. prep. 4902; 7466 E94+; Eup. ssaadiata Schü. Präp. Nr. S 1220♀ det. E. Schütze, Kassel; Holotypus ♀ Eupith. ssaadiata Schü. E. Schütze, Kassel, Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet Stockholm Loan no 368/06. Paratype: 1 ♀, Iran, Fars, Straße Kazeroun-Bouchir, Tchoureum, ca 1000 m, 18. März–6. April 1937, coll. Brandt, spec.?, Paratypus ♀ Eupith. ssaadiata Schü. E. Schütze, Kassel, Loan Hung. NHM (the material was loaned in former times by A. Vojnits, TTM) to SMNK 2009, the types will be returned to NHRS.”

2.2. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Mironov, V. & U. Ratzel (2012): New species of the genus Eupithecia Curtis (Lepidoptera, Geometridae, Larentiinae) from Iran. — Zootaxa 3580: 56-68.