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Original description, figure indicated therein, and text to the figure

3. Further information

3.1. Other combinations

3.2. Taxonomy and Faunistics

Locus typicus referred to original description: Isle d'Amboine [Amboina, Indonesian Molucca Island].

According to [Global Biodiversity Information Facility] this species is present in Australia, Guam, Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Thailand, Chinese Taipei, India, China, New Caledonia, USA, Viet Nam, Malaysia, Philippines, Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Timor-Leste, Singapore and Vanuatu.

The P. menephron complex was repeatedly split up and thrown together, then split up even more and thrown back together in parts. According to [tpittaway.tripod.com] most of the occurences in East Asia belong to P. discistriga. Locus typicus is Silhet [Sylhet] in Bangladesh. Distribution: "Northern India (Subhasish Arandhara, 2016; Jatishwor Irungbam & Fric, 2021; Sondhi, Karmakar, Sondhi & Kunte, 2021), Nepal, Bhutan (Irungbam & Irungbam, 2019 ), Myanmar/ Burma, Great Nicobar Island (Singh, Ahmad & Chandra, 2021), central and southern China, Vietnam, Laos, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia and the Philippines."

In addition, those authors only accept Psilogramma increta (Walker, [1865]) (widespread, but not in Australia), Psilogramma jordana Bethune-Baker, 1905 as endemic for East Asia Fiji Islands and Psilogramma wannanensis Meng, 1990 endemic to "China: Beijing (Sanbao); Anhui (Xuancheng area)". P. menephron s.str. with type location on the Indonesian Moluccan island of Ambon is not further discussed (outside the range of this site); so it remains unclear how widespread that taxon actually is. It cannot be widespread, because the east of Papua New Guinea and Australia are settled by P. casuarinae. P. menephron s.str. seems to be endemic to Ambon (Amboine) and maybe a few other isles around.

Important: [tpittaway.tripod.com] declare: "The introduced population on Hawaii has now been confirmed as being Psilogramma increta, not P. menephron."

(Author: Erwin Rennwald)

3.3. Year of publication of the original description

According to Hemming (1958: 42), volume 3 of „De uitlandsche kapellen“ has the following publication years and authorships

  • 1-104, pl. CXCIII-CCLII Cramer [1779]
  • 105-176, pl. CCLIII-CCLXXXVIII Cramer & Stoll [1780] (“Written by Cramer and published after his death by Caspar Stoll”)

(Author: Jürgen Rodeland)

3.4. Literature

  • Original description: Cramer, P. (“1782”) [1779-1780]: De uitlandsche kapellen voorkomende in de drie waereld-deelen Asia, Africa en America 3: 1-176, pl. CICIII-CCLXXXVIII. Amsteldam (S. J. Baalde), Utrecht (Barthelemy Wild).
  • Hemming, F. (1958): Opinion 516. — Opinions and Declarations Rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature 19 (1): 1-44. London.

3.5. Informations from other websites (external links)