3. Biologie
3.1. Nahrung der Raupe
- [Caryophyllaceae:] Minuartia sp., cf. recurva (cf. Krummblatt-Miere) [Richter & Baldizzone (2025: 32)]
Richter & Baldizzone (2025: 32) bringen Licht ins bisherige Dunkel: “Until now, the host plant and the larval case of this species were unknown. The first author discovered some larval cases for the first time on 16. VI. 2016, without obtaining adults, and for the second time on 22.VI.2022, from which only one adult emerged. Larvae live on flowers and seeds of Minuartia sp., cf. recurva (Caryophylaceae), from mid-June. After overwintering they are still active, but probably no longer feed. Only one specimen emerged, which still alllowed the species to be identified. The larval case is brown, made of silk, with a wrinkled appearance, 4.5 mm long, with an oral opening angled at about 25° and a trilobed anal opening.”
(Autor: Jürgen Rodeland)
4. Weitere Informationen
4.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)
Baldizzone & Tabell (1999: 527): “The species-name refers to the type locality, the mountains of Sultan Daglari.”
4.2. Faunistik
Die Art wurde von Baldizzone & Tabell (1999) aus der Türkei beschrieben. Richter (2017) meldet die Art als neu für Bulgarien (Fundort "Besaparian hills, Isperichovo") und damit auch neu für Europa. Ignaz Richter zeigt auf seiner Seite [coleophoridae.bluefile.cz] das von ihm am 3. Juni 2016 in Isperichovo in Bulgarien gefundene Tier und dessen Genital.
(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)
4.3. Typenmaterial
Baldizzone & Tabell (1999: 526): “Holotype: ♂ (GP JT 2205): Turkey, Aksehir 30 km SW, Sultan Daglari 1200 m, 02-03-V-1996, leg. K. Nupponen & J. Junnilainen. In coll. J. Junnilainen (ZMH). Paratypes (1 ♂m 1 ♀) (GP Bldz 12196, JT 2204): Same data as holotype. In coll. Baldizzone and T. & K. Nupponen.”
4.4. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: Baldizzone, G. & J. Tabell (1999): Coleophora conspersa Baldizzone & Tabell, sp. n., C. daglarica Baldizzone & Tabell, sp. n. and some further notes on the coleophorids from Turkey (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae). — SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 27 (108): 525-537.
- Baldizzone, G. van der Wolf, H. & J.-F. Landry (2006): World Catalogue of Insects 8. Coleophoridae, Coleophorinae (Lepidoptera). 1-215. Apollo Books (Stenstrup).
- Richter, I. (2017): New findings of the case-bearing moth genus Coleophora from the Balkan Peninsula with the description of Coleophora vardarella sp. nov. (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae). — Microlepidoptera.hu, 12: 83-94. [PDF auf oszk.hu] bzw. [ganzes Heft: PDF auf oszk.hu]
- Richter, I. & G. Baldizzone (2025): New faunistic and biological records on Coleophoridae from the Balkans (Lepidoptera). — Lepidopterologica Hungarica 21: 27-39.