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2. Further information

2.1. Taxonomy

Baldizzone (1996: 104) explains concerning the type series of Batrachedra hypoxutha Meyrick, 1897: “All specimens were mixed in the type series of Batrachedra hypoxutha Meyrick, 1897 (anic), which, according to the original description, consisted of three specimens. Actually the type series of hypoxutha comprises two specimens of the true hypoxutha, from which Schmidt-Nielsen has selected a lectotype.”

2.2. Types

Baldizzone (1996: 104): “ Holotype: ♀ , Brisbane, 3.11.02, [A. J. Turner], slide anic 2372 (anic). Paratypes 3 specimens, all without abdomen before dissection : 1 ex., Brisbane, 23.ii.02, [A. J. Turner]; 1 ex., Brisbane, 21.xi.02, [A. J. Turner]; 1 ex., Brisbane; Batrachedra hypoxutha Meyr. (anic).”

2.3. Literature