Version 6 (neueste) vom 17. Oktober 2022 um 0:03:33 von Erwin Rennwald
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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Kemal & Koçak (2018: 12) erläutern: "The Turkish word “gulpembe” means pink rose. At the same time, “gülpembe” is one of the much-loved song by the late Barış Manço in Turkey."

3.2. Faunistik

Nach Kemal & Koçak (2018: 12) ist die Art auf die Ost- und Südost-Türkei beschränkt: "Adıyaman, Siirt, Van (new record); Mardin (Caradja,1916)". Dort bewohnt sie Hochlagen-Steppen.

3.3. Typenmaterial

Kemal & Koçak (2018: 12) teilen mit: "Type material: Holotype ♂. S. Turkey, Adıyaman Pr., Kahta, Nemrut Mt. 1480m, 6.v.2018; 2♂ (paratypes) from same place and date. 1♂. SE Turkey, Siirt Pr., Şirvan Bacavan 1560m, 29.v.2013; 1♂, 3 GP2959♂. Fasta of this specimen (Pyr002) is under preparation. E Turkey, Van Pr., Bahçesaray Upper Mukus valley 1840m, 25 5 2016, M.Kemal & A.Koçak leg. (Coll. Cesa)."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.4. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Kemal, M. & A. Ö. Koçak (2018): Vernal aspect of the Lepidoptera from Nemrut Mountain and the vicinity of Karadut in the Kahta district with a description of a new species (SE Turkey, Adıyaman Province). — CESA Miscellaneous Papers 174: 1-22. [PDF auf]
  • Kızıldağ, S. (2021): DNA Barcoding And Species Delimitation Of Pyrausta (Lepidoptera: Crambidae, Pyraustinae) With Some Populations In Turkey. — Iğdır Üniversitesi Fen Bilimleri Enstitüsü Dergisi 11 (2): 1489-1496. [PDF auf]