VorkommenLinks (7)Fundmeldungen

2. Diagnose

2.1. Männchen

2.2. Weibchen

2.3. Genitalien

2.3.1. Männchen
2.3.2. Weibchen

2.4. Erstbeschreibung

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Andere Kombinationen

  • Cybolomia lutosalis var. claralis Caradja, 1916 [Originalkombination]

3.2. Faunistik

Yepishin et al. (2020: 103-104) melden die aus China beschriebene und von ihnen in den Artrang erhobene Art erstmalig (und gleich für mehrere Fundorte) für die Ukraine und damit als neu für Europa. Sie tragen zusammen: "Hyperlais claralis was described as a variation of Cybalomia lutosalis Mann, 1862 based on single male from Kuldja (now Yinin, W China). The holotype is stored in the MGAB. This specimen is an object under the National Heritage of Romania that makes its genitalia unavailable for study (M. Stanescu, pers. comm). However, a photograph of the holotype is available on the website of the National Institute of Heritage database (NIH database 2020) (Fig. 1). Specimens from Ukraine match externally to the male holotype of claralis and female from Dzharkent (now Zharkent, E Kazakhstan). The genitalia of the latter are indistinguishable from those of Ukrainian examples. Zharkent is quite close to Yining (type locality of claralis) and the female from Zharkent is similar both to specimens from Ukraine and to the holotype of claralis, so that we suggest that specimens from Ukraine and E Kazakhstan are conspecific with H. claralis. Hyperlais sp. recorded from Kalmykia and Astrakhan region of Russia (Zolotuhin 2005) are identical, both externally and in the male genitalia, to specimens from Ukraine and accordingly, belong to H. claralis too. Photographs of Hyperlais specimens from Kherson region of Ukraine published by F. Graf on Lepiforum (2020) and specimen from Prymorskyi, Crimea (Savchuk 2020; as H. dulcinalis) also refer to this species."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.3. Literatur