VorkommenLinks (12)Fundmeldungen

1. Lebendfotos

1.1. Falter

2. Diagnose

2.1. Männchen

2.2. Weibchen

2.3. Genitalien

2.3.1. Männchen
2.3.2. Weibchen

2.4. Erstbeschreibung

Pierce & Metcalfe (1938: 68): “Mr. A. Diakonoff, of Amsterda [sic], has had an opportunity of examining the type specimen of insectella of Fabricius' Tinea in the museum at Kiel, and finds that it is the same species as the male misella figured on Plate LXII. This led to the examination of our British species, when it was found that there were two species and that the female figured on Plate LXII was the female of the second species. The type of misella, Zell. in the British Museum has been examined and found to agree with insectella Fab. It is, therefore, necessary to give a name to the undescribed species. In conjunction with Mr. Diakonoff we suggest:—Genus 14. ditella, N. S.”

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Andere Kombinationen

3.2. Faunistik

Nach SwissLepTeam (2010) ist die Art auch Faunenbestandteil der Schweiz (Schweizer Mittelland).

3.3. Literatur