VorkommenLinks (6)Fundmeldungen
Geschlecht nicht bestimmt

1. Lebendfotos

1.1. Falter

1.2. Raupe

1.3. Puppe

2. Diagnose

2.1. Weibchen

2.2. Geschlecht nicht bestimmt

2.3. Erstbeschreibung

3. Biologie

3.1. Nahrung der Raupe

  • [Juglandaceae:] Juglans regia (Walnussbaum)
  • [Juglandaceae:] Juglans nigra (Schwarznuss)

Bostancı et al. (2021) schreiben in ihrem Intro: "Garella musculana is one of the most important pests of walnut (EPPO, 2005), which causes damage to young shoots and fruits. As a result of feeding of the larvae on fruits, the fruits become deformed and fruit does not develop normally, therefore a large decrease in the yield may occur. In 2003, it was included in the EPPO A2 list of pests recommended for regulation as a quarantine pest. In 2016, Turkey added it to their A1 list (EPPO, 2020a)." Und weiter unten im Text: "The authors of the present paper consider that the continued spread of the pest is a major threat for Juglans regia trees as well as for Juglans nigra, as this species has been described as a new host by EPPO (2020c) and Bostancı et al. (2019). In the observations in Bartın/Turkey, the Asian walnut moth had four generations in a year and overwinters as pupae in deep cracks in the bark and under loose bark of the walnut tree."

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Andere Kombinationen

4.2. Faunistik

Der in Zentralasien als Schädling an Walnussbäumen bekannte Falter scheint sich neuerdings in Südosteuropa festzusetzen: "First recorded in 2006 and 2007 from Sevastopol, Camp Gorizont on Crimea as new to Ukraine and Europe (Sviridov 2008), and reported in 2008 in several places on Crimea, from east to west: Feodosia, Krasnolesie village, Simferopol, and Tarkhankut peninsula." (Fibiger et al. 2009).

Savchuk (2013: 129) kommentiert seine Artseite: "Первая бабочка была собрана в 2005 году в Феодосии. Но она не была определена и была опубликована только в 2013 году в книге Савчук В.В. "Атлас бабочек и гусениц Крыма"." Die Art wurde auf der Krim demnach schon 2005 in Feodosia gefunden, wenn auch damals noch nicht erkannt.

Und es geht mit hohem Tempo weiter !

Bostancı et al. (2021) schreiben in ihrem Abstract: "Garella musculana (Erschov, 1874) is an important walnut pest originating in Central Asia. It was found in 2008 in Ukraine, and more recently in Turkey and Bulgaria. The Asian walnut moth was observed in Romania during studies conducted in Albesti and Arsa province between 2018 and 2020. G. musculana was observed on both saplings and 50-year-old walnut (Juglans regia) trees in Romania. This paper presents the first record for Romania." Demnach wurde die Art in der Türkei erstmals 2015 bei Bartın in der Schwarzmeer-Region festgestellt, 2016 in Varna in Bulgarien und 2018-2020 in den Provinzen Albesti und Arsa in Rumänien.

Scaccini et al. (2022) berichten über den ersten Lichtfang-Nachweis der Art in NE-Italien.

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

4.3. Literatur

4.4. Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links)