1. Forum user instructions: Short version
- Tolerance: Please show tolerance against each other and the forum administrators
- Optional registration (= Creating a user profile and password protection for your user name)
- No pseudonyms
- Provide detailed observation data (place, date etc.) for all identification requests
- Photo upload: Users, who decide to upload their photos to the Lepiforum web server agree on their use for the section "Identification support" (German: Bestimmungshilfe).
- Copyright: upload only your own photos. No scans from books, photos from third party web pages etc.
- Data privacy: do not publish any personal data from other people at the forum
- Answers to identification requests: Mention the scientific name in the subject line
- Choose meaningful subject lines
- All contributions regarding one specimen in the same thread - also for the caterpillar and the emerged butterfly
- Series of identification requests if possible only during the winter months (with less butterflies outside)
- Identification requests: [Forum 1]; other topics regarding butterflies: [Forum 2]