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2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Vojnits (1988: 428): “Holotype ♂: “9. VII. 1969 O-Afghanistan s.v. Khinju 2100 m Salang Paß N. Seite leg. Vartian” “gen. prep. No. 15158 ♂ det. A. Vojnits” “Eupithecia xanthomixta Vojnits Holotypus”. Paratypes: 1 ♀ with the same data, 2 ♂♂ and 4 ♀♀: East Afghanistan, Khurd-Kabul, 18–19. VI. 1969 and 26. VI. 1965, 1900 m, leg. Vartian, and Kasy et Vartian. Holotype deposited in the Vartian Collection, Vienna, paratypes in the same collection, and in the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest. Slides: Nos 15158, 15623, 15681 (♂♂), 15150, 15620, 15624, 15682, 15683 (♀♀), gen. prep. A. Vojnits.”

2.2. Literatur