3. Biologie
3.1. Nahrung der Raupe
- [Asteraceae: Asteroideae:] Artemisia turanica
Bei Falkovitsh (1988: 307-308) ist im Schlüssel zu den Arten an "Artemisia, Seriphidium (Asteraceae)" zu lesen: "Case silky, broader anteriorly, gradually attenuating toward caudal end; surface slightly uneven (tuberculate), densely covered with hairs of plant. Longitudinal stripes very weak, barely discernible, seen under high magnification as narrow grooves in caudal half of case. Valve three-sided. Length 4.0 to 4.5 mm. Color grayish-white. May; second generation on fruits. On A. turanica Krasch.."
(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)
4. Weitere Informationen
4.1. Typenmaterial
Falkovitsh (1972: 67) beschrieb die Art nach einem einzigen ♀: “Голотип (♀, постоянный препарат № 753): Бухарская обл., горы Кульджуктау, 10.VIII 1968 г., ex l. с плодов Artemisia turanica Krasch. (М. И. Фалькович).”
4.2. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: Фалькович, М. И. (1972): Новые среднеазиатские виды чехлоносок (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae), живущих на полынях [Falkovich, M. I. (1972): New Middle Asia species of casebearers (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) living on Artemisia]. — Вестник зоологии 1972 (4): 65-71 [PDF auf mail.izan.kiev.ua].
- Falkovitsh, M.I. (1988): Some Information on the Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera) of the Kyzyl-Kum Desert. — 297-347. In: Davis, D.R. [ed.] (1988): Lepidopterous Fauna of the USSR and Adjacent Countries. A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Professor Alexsandr Sergeevich Danilevskii collected by O.L. Kryzhanovskii. — I-X, 1-405; New Delhi (Oxonian Press Pvt. Ltd.). [Digitalisat auf archive.org]