VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Typenmaterial

Tabell, Mutanen & Sihvonen (2018: 334): “Holotype ♂: Kazakhstan, 43°08'29''N 67°51'51''E, 185 m, Syr-Darya river, tugai forest, Turkestan town 35 km SW, 8.V.2012, K. Nupponen leg., coll. NUPP Paratypes: 15 ♂, 3 ♀: 15 ♂ (GP 4951 J. Tabell; DNA sample 21926 Lepid Phyl, abdomen missing in one specimen) same collecting data as in holotype, colls. NUPP and TAB; 3 ♀ (GP 5351 J. Tabell, DNA sample 25444 Lepid Phyl; GP 5376 J. Tabell, DNA sample 25445 Lepid Phyl) Tajikistan, Tigrovaya Balka 312 m, 37°19'961''N 68°27'475''E, 3.V.2014, T. Nupponen & R. Haverinen leg., colls. NUPP and TAB.”

(Autor: Jürgen Rodeland)

3.2. Literatur