VorkommenLinks (3)Fundmeldungen

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Typenmaterial

Li, H.-H. & L.-Y. Zheng (1999: 195-196): “Holotype ♂, Heihe (50.2° N, 127.4° E), Heilongjiang Province, alt. 120 m, 25. VI. 1997, leg. Li Hou-Hun, genitalia slide No L97105. Paratype: 2 ♀♀, 120-170 m, 25-26. VI 1997, locality and collection same as holotype; 1 ♀, Nenjiang (49.1 N, 125.2 E), Heilongjiang, alt. 300 m, 29. VI 1997, leg. Li Hoou-Hun.”

(Autor: Jürgen Rodeland)

3.2. Literatur

  • Аникин, В. В. (2021): К фауне молей-чехлоносок (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) Дальнего Востока России [Anikin, V. V. (2021): Notes on casebearer moths (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) fauna of the Russian Far East]. — Амурский зоологический журнал 13 (3): 319-340.
  • Baldizzone, G. & N. Savenkov (2002): Casebearers (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) of the Far East region of Russia. I. (Contribution to the knowledge of the Eastern Palaearctic Insects 12). — Beiträge zur Entomologie 52 (2): 367-405. [PDF auf contributions-to-entomology.org]
  • Erstbeschreibung: Li, H.-H. & L.-Y. Zheng (1999): A systematic study of the Coleophora directella group from China (Lepidoptera:Coleophoridae). — Acta zootaxonomica sinica 24 (2): 190-196.