VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

2. Biologie

2.1. Nahrung der Raupe

  • [Asteraceae:] Aster glehni [Angabe in der Originalbeschreibung]
  • [Asteraceae:] Aster ageratoides [Angabe in der Originalbeschreibung]

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Typenmaterial

Oku & Kusunoki (2018: 204): “Holotype ♂: Kuzakai, Kawai, Miyako city, Iwate Pref., Honshu, em. V.23, 1998, bred by T. Oku. Paratypes:[Hokkaido] Senboudai, Rumoi, 1♂, em. VI.13, 2013, bred by Y. Kusunoki; Ozawa-dam, Tôma, 1♂, em. VI.19, 2006, bred by Y. Kusunoki; Mt. Peipan, Asahikawa, 1♀, VII.6, 2003, coll. by Y. Kusunoki;[Honshu] Hachinohe, Aomori Pref., 1♂, VI.12.1968, coll. by K. Yoshida; Sotoyama, Tamayama, Morioka, Iwate Pref., 1♀, VI.20, 1995, coll. by T. Oku; Iwashimizu, Morioka, Iwate Pref., 1♂, VII.10, 1994, coll. by N. Doi; same locality as holotype, 2♂1♀, em. V.9-12, 1995, bred by T. Oku; Ireino-mori, Shizukuishi, Iwate Pref., 1♂, VI.22, 1999, coll. by N. Doi; Yumihari-daira, Nishikawa, Yamagata Pref., 1♂, em. VI.4, 1993, bred by T. Oku; Ôisawa, Nishikawa, Yamagata Pref., 1 ♂, em. VI.11, 1993, bred by T. Oku.”

(Autor: Jürgen Rodeland)

3.2. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Oku, T. & Y. Kusunoki (2018): New species of the genus Coleophora (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) from northern Japan. — Tinea 24 (3): 198-213.