Version 13 / 18 vom 6. Juni 2022 um 23:36:58 von Erwin Rennwald
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2. Diagnose

2.1. Geschlecht nicht bestimmt

2.2. Erstbeschreibung

3. Biologie

3.1. Nahrung der Raupe

  • [Ranunculaceae:] Ranunculus bullatus (Blasiger Hahnenfuß)

Die Larvalbiologie der Art war lange Zeit unbekannt. Erst Zerafa (2015: 66) konnte auf Malta die für Coleophoriden ungewöhnliche Raupennahrung klären: "The egg is laid on leaves of Ranunculus bullatus L. in March. The early larval stages are unknown. Diapause during hot summer months not observed in Malta. The larva constructs the case from silk. It is enlarged from the ventral keel all along the case especially towards the anal opening. The silk is white at first then turns dark brown almost black. From observation of cases collected in November/December it is evident that early stages at least when the larva resumes feeding are bivalved and probably more laterally compressed. The larva attaches the case on the underside of a leaf and penetrates the skin feeding in a blotch mine sometimes 6–8 mm in diameter often forming 5 to 6 blotches in one leaf. Full grown larvae also feed on the underside of the leaf leaving only the upper epidermis and sometimes sclerotizing thinner parts of the leaf. Pupation takes place inside the case after attaching it to a strong substrate like a twig or rocks. Adults emerge in March. Females are not capable of flight but can jump up to 30 cm when disturbed. Active in the afternoon and at night. All females were obtained from larvae."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Synonyme

4.2. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Zeller, P. C. (1847): Bemerkungen über die auf einer Reise nach Italien und Sicilien beobachteten Schmetterlingsarten. — Isis von Oken 1847 (2): 121-159, (3) 213-233, (4) 284-308, (6) 401-457, (7) 481-522, (8) 561-594, (9) 641-673, (10) 721-771, (11) 801-859, (12) 881-914.

4.3. Informationen auf anderen Websites (externe Links)