Version 8 / 12 vom 5. November 2019 um 11:24:50 von Jürgen Rodeland
2. Diagnose
2.1. Erstbeschreibung
1-2: Chrétien (1899) [nach Copyright-freien Scans auf]
3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Faunistik
Richter (2018) meldet den Erstnachweis der Art für Mazedonien (Pepelište near Negotino) und fasst zusammen: "reare [sic!] species, known only from France and Italy. Just recently recorded from Hungary (Buschmann & Pastorális 2017). New species for Macedonia and for the Balkan Peninsula."
3.2. Literatur
- Baldizzone, G. (1991): Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Coleophoridae. LXIX. Coleophora didymella Chrétien, 1899 e C. quadristraminella Toll, 1961 due specie della Val Curone (Prov. di Alessandria) nuove per la fauna italiana (Lepidoptera). — Rivista Piemontese di Storia Naturale 12: 47-62 [PDF auf].
- Erstbeschreibung: Chrétien, P. (1899): Description d'une nouvelle espèce de Coleophora [Lép.]. — Bulletin de la Société entomologique de France 1899: 146-147.
- Richter, I. (2018): New findings of the case-bearing moth (genus Coleophora Hübner, 1822) from the Balkan Peninsula with description of two new species (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae). — 13: 43-52. [PDF auf]