Version 2 / 4 vom 5. März 2023 um 13:13:22 von Jürgen Rodeland
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Original description

2. Diagnosis

2.1. Original description

3. Further information

3.1. Other combinations

  • Batrachedra crypsineura Lower, 1900 [original combination]

3.2. Types

Baldizzone (1996: 103) designated a lectotype: “Lectotype ♂ (here designated) 'Broken Hill', slide Bldz 9191 (sama) [examined]. Paralectotype ♀ (slide Bldz 9192) same label as lectotype; one specimen without abdomen, same label as lectotype, ♀ (slide Bldz 9190) 'Broken Hill, 19.10.08', 'types 3466' [collected after the name was published] (sama).”

3.3. Literature

  • Lectotype designation and new combination: Baldizzone, G. (1996): A taxonomic review of the Coleophoridaea (Lepidoptera) of Australia. — Tijdschrift voor entomologie 139: 97-144. [Digitalisat auf]
  • Original description: Lower, O. B. (1900): Descriptions of new Australian Lepidoptera. — The Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales 25 (3): 403-423. Sydney (F. Cunninghame & Co.).