VorkommenLinks (1)Fundmeldungen

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Typenmaterial

Baldizzone (2020: 134): “Holotype ♀ “Kaschmir, 16./17.7.[19]82 | 15 km W Kangan, Wangan | M. u. E. Arenberger”; “PG Bldz n° 9696”, coll. Arenberger, Vienna. Paratype ♀. “Nepal | Prov. Nr. 2 | East Jiri | 2000 m | 13.VIII.1964 | leg. W. Dierl”, coll. Baldizzone.”

(Autor: Jürgen Rodeland)

3.2. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Baldizzone, G. (2020): New species and new faunistic records of genus Coleophora Hübner, 1822 from Kashmir (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae). Contributions to the knowledge of Coleophoridae: CXLI. — Bollettino dell’Associazione Romana di Entomologia, Nuova Serie 1 (1–4): 133–148.