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3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Baldizzone (2023: 563) erklärt: "The name derives from the Cantabrian Mountains, where the species was found."

3.2. Taxonomie

Baldizzone (2023: 562) erläutert: "It belongs to the group of Coleophora genistae Stainton, 1857 and based on the male genitalia it is similar to C. oreiosella Baldizzone, 2019, a species known only from the high altitudes of Sierra Nevada (Spain) of which the female is unknown. In comparison with that of C. oreiosella, the male genitalia of C. cantabrica shows the following differences: the tegumen is slightly longer and trapezoidal, and the pedunculus is shorter; the valvula is broader and lacks the robust short seta erect on the edge at the baseof the cucullus; the sacculus is longer and thinner, with a more curved ventral edge; the phallotheca is longer and dorsally not sclerified; the cornuti are much more numerous and thinner. The female genitalia somewhat resemble that of C. vulpecula Zeller, 1849. The main differences are as follows: in C. cantabrica the papillae anales are longer and narrower; the sterigma is higher and the two oblique folds on its surface are thicker; the colliculum is wider; the corpus bursae is much smaller, oval and not sac-shaped, and the signum is markedly larger." Und dann Folgen Ergebnisse des COI-Barcoding: "Molecular data: Five samples were sequenced successfully, resulting in 658 bp (n=4) and 600 bp (n=1) barcodes (BIN:BOLD:ACT1870). The nearest neighbour is Coleophora septembra Tabell, 2017, with a 5.61 % divergence (BIN:BOLD:AAV8014). The barcodes of C. cantabrica exhibit no intraspecific variation. So far there are no barcodes for C. oreiosella in BOLD."

3.3. Faunistik

Baldizzone (2023: 563) berichtet: "The new species was collected in Spain in the Cantabrian Mountains in the Picos de Europa area and the Sierra de Gredos at an altitude between 1230 and 1650 m."

3.4. Typenmaterial

Baldizzone (2023: 562): “Holotype ♂ (GP Bldz 17635) “Spanien, Castilla y León, Cantabrische Gebirge, Picos de Europa, Umg.[ebung] Portilla de la Reina, 1230 m, N 43°02,86’ W 4°51,09’, 9-VII-2012, Mayr Toni leg.”, in coll. TLMF. Paratypes: 1 ♀ (GP Bldz 17640), same label, in coll. Mayr; 3 ♂♂ (GP Bldz 17639, 17651) “Spanien, Cantabrische Gebirge, NP Picos de Europa, Portillas del Boquejón bei Espinama, 1340 m, N 43°08,92’ W 4°46,53’, 11-VII-2012, Mayr Toni leg.”, in coll. Mayr, in coll. Baldizzone and in coll. MNCN; 1 ♂ [DNA Specimen ID: TLMF Lep 19994] same place and date, leg. P. Huemer, coll. TLMF. 1 ♂ (DNA sample 21819 Lepid Phyl) “Spain, Avila, Mombeltran 3 km W, 19-V-2007, K. Nupponen leg., coll. Nupponen; 2 ♂ (GP 5289 J. Tabell, DNA sample 24553 Lepid Phyl; DNA sample 24554 Lepid Phyl) “Spain, Castilla y León, Avila, La Herguijuela 1 km W, 1650 m, 15-VII-2012, T. Nupponen leg., in coll. Nupponen and in coll. Tabell; 1 ♀ (GP 6203 J. Tabell, DNA sample 2455 Lepid Phyl), same label, in coll. Nupponen.”

3.5. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Baldizzone, G. (2023): Coleophora cantabrica Baldizzone, sp. nov. a newspecies from Spain. Coleophora repentis Klimesch, 1947 new species for the Iberian Peninsula. Contribution to the knowledge of Coleophoridae CLVI (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae). — SHILAP Revista de lepidopterología 51 (203): 561-568. [PDF auf shilap.org]