Version 2 / 3 vom 15. April 2023 um 14:28:02 von Jürgen Rodeland
2. Biologie
2.1. Nahrung der Raupe
- [Asteraceae:] Aster sp. [Typenzucht]
- [Asteraceae:] Solidago sp. [Typenzucht]
3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Typenmaterial
Braun (1925: 208): “Type (♂); allotype (♀), Logan, reared from larvae on Aster species. Nineteen paratypes (11 ♂, 8 ♀) reared from Aster species and Solidago species. Paratypes have been placed in the collection of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia and in the U. S. National Museum.”
(Autor: Jürgen Rodeland)
3.2. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: Braun, A. F. (1925): Microlepidoptera of Northern Utah. — Transactions of the American Entomological Society 51 (3): 183-226. [PDF auf]