VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

2. Biology

2.1. Food of the caterpillar

  • [Asteraceae:] Rutidosis helichrysoides [one paratype reared from this plant]

3. Further information

3.1. Types

Baldizzone (1996: 107): “Holotype: ♂ (slide anic 2363), Black Mt, ACT, Light Trap, 17 Jan. 1961, I. F. B. Common (anic). Paratypes: 1 ♂ (slide anic 8769) same label as holotype, 2. Nov. 1959 [the photograph of this specimen was reproduced in the volume by Common 1990, with the name of C. ochroneura Lower]; [...]”. — A long series of paratypes, all from Australia.

3.2. Literature