3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Typenmaterial
McDunnough (1959: 5): “Holotype: Female, Point Pleasant Park, Halifax, Nova Scotia, August 20, 1957 (J. McDunnough); in Canadian National Collection. Allotype: Male, same locality, August 16, 1957; bred from Aster acuminatus (J. McDunnough); in author's collection. Paratypes: Six males, same locality, but August 19 (one), August 20 (two), August 24 (three). Ten females, same locality, but August 19 (one), August 20 (four), August 24 (four), August 29 (one). One pair is deposited in the Canadian National Collection and another pair in the American Museum of Natural History; the remainder are in the author's collection for the present.”
(Autor: Jürgen Rodeland)
3.2. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: McDunnough, J. H. (1958): A New Species of Coleophora Belonging to the duplicis-bidens Group. — American Museum Novitates 1905: 1-5. [Digitalisat auf digitallibrary.amnh.org]