1. Lebendfotos
1.1. Falter
1-2: Südafrika, North West, Magaliesberg, Mountain Sanctuary Park, 1500 m, 24. Februar 2016 (det. & fot.: Wolfgang Langer)Forum
3-4: Swasiland, Hlane-Royal-Nationalpark, ca. 280 m, 9. Dezember 2018 (det. & fot.: Peter Ginzinger)Forum
5: Äthiopien, Rift Valley, Awash NP, Akazien-Savanne, 900 m, 29. November 2020, Tagfund (fot.: Michael Widmer), det. Michel KettnerForum
6-7: Südafrika, Limpopo, Waterberg, 10. Januar 2018 (det. & fot.: Dr. Wolf-Achim Roland)
8-9: Oman, Süd-Oman, Salalah, Brachfläche in Neubaugebiet vor Hotel, 20-21. September 2023 (det. & fot.: Jörg Schneider), conf. Dominik HoferForum
10: Botswana, Maun, Parkanlage, 3. Februar 2015 (fot.: Dr. Margot Reinke), det. Christian Müller, conf. Dominik HoferForum
11: Botswana, Maun, Parkanlage, 3. Februar 2015 (fot.: Dr. Margot Reinke), det. Christian Müller, conf. Dominik HoferForum
1.2. Raupe
2. Diagnose
2.1. Erstbeschreibung
1-5: Drury (1773: 29-30, Index, pl. XVII figs. 1-2) [nach Copyright-freien Scans auf]
3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Andere Kombinationen
- Papilio ilithyia Drury, 1773 [Originalkombination]
3.2. Faunistik
Nach [Global Biodiversity Information Facility] kommt die Art in Südafrika, Indien, Kenia, Namibia, Botswana, Tansania, Simbabwe, Oman, Äthiopien, Malawi, Mosambik, Swasiland, Angola, Kap Verde, Sri Lanka, Zentralafrikanische Republik, Uganda, Demokratische Republik Kongo, Kamerun, Lesotho, Ruanda, Sierra Leone und Senegal vor.
Locus typicus gemäß Erstbeschreibung: Senegal.
(Autor: Michel Kettner)
3.3. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: Drury, D. (1773): Illustrations of Natural History. Wherein are exhibited Upwards of Two Hundred and Twenty Figures of Exotic Insects, According to their different Genera; Very few of which have hitherto been figured by any Author, Being engraved and coloured from Nature, with the greatest Accuracy, and under the Author's own Inspection, On Fifty Copper-Plates. With a particular Description of each Insect: Interspersed with Remarks and Reflections of the Nature and Properties of many of them. Vol. II: i-vii, 1-90, pl. I-L, Index to the First Volume, Errata and Addenda to the First Volume [not paginated], Index to the Second Volume, Errata and Addenda to the Second Volume [not paginated]. London.