2. Diagnosis
2.1. Original description
1-3: Butler (1889: 71-72, pl. CXXXI fig. 2) [from copyright-free scans at]
3. Further information
3.1. Faunistics
Nach [Global Biodiversity Information Facility] kommt die Art in Thailand, Australien, Sri Lanka, Fidschi, Bangladesch, Hongkong und Malaysia vor.
Locus typicus gemäß Erstbeschreibung: Dharmsala.
(Autor: Michel Kettner)
3.2. Literature
- Original description: Butler, A. G. (1889): Illustrations of Typical Specimens of Lepidoptera Heterocera in the Collection of the British Museum 7: I-IV, 1-124, pl. CXXI-CXXXVIII. London.