3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Typenmaterial
Stonis & Remeikis (2020: 968): “Holotype: ♂, Peru: Junín Region, Satipo, 11°15’30’’S, 74°37’56’’W, elevation 750 m, at light, 13–15.v.2018, J. R. Stonis and S. Hill, genitalia slide no. RA1007 (ZMUC); 4 ♂, same label as holotype, genitalia slide nos. RA1001, RA1003, RA1004, RA1008 (ZMUC).”
3.2. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: Stonis, J. R., Remeikis, A., Diškus, A., Vargas, S. A. & M. A. Solis (2020): Opostegidae (Lepidoptera) of the Americas: Updated Catalog, Diagnostics, and New Species Descriptions. — Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 122 (4): 929-972.