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2. Biologie

2.1. Nahrung der Raupe

Vargas (2020: 962): “Adults fly in April; the holotype and paratypes were collected during daytime on Lafoensia acuminata (Ruiz and Pav.) DC., Lythraceae (Figs. 21–24) in April. We were unable to find larvae, leaf mines, or stem mines; immatures remain unknown. Host plant is expected to be L. acuminata, locally known as Guayacán de Manizales, since all adult specimens were collected on this tree in urban, green areas.”

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Typenmaterial

Vargas (2020: 962): “Holotype: ♂, Colombia: Bogotá, Ciudad Jardín, 4°34’46.32’’N, 74°5’50.44’’W; 13.iv. 2018, adult on Lafoensia acuminata, J. Durán, genitalia in temporary mount in glycerin (MPUJ_ENT 0068163).” — Paratypen: 1 ♀ und 1 ♂, beide aus Kolumbien.

3.2. Literatur