3. Biologie
3.1. Nahrung der Raupe
- [Amaranthaceae: Salsoloideae:] Haloxylon ammodendron [= Haloxylon aphyllum] (Schwarzer Saxaul)
Bei Falkovitsh (1988: 316-317) ist im Schlüssel zu den Arten an "Haloxylon (Chenopodiaceae)" zu lesen: "Case leafy, consists of thin caudal tube (initial case rolled from cut skin of first mine) and two apices of hollowed branches. In gluing second and third pieces, larva changes orientation of case each time, so that dorsal side becomes ventral. Some branches with dried apex; usual piece may be much longer than required and even protrude behind case, giving it an unusual appearance. Valve undeveloped, and moth moves out of case through caudal tube, using suture on lower side. Length 6.5 to 7.5 mm. Color chocolate-brown to yellow. September-October. Larvae hibernate after feeding. On H. aphyllum (Minkw.)."
(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)
4. Weitere Informationen
4.1. Unterarten
- Coleophora captiosa maior Baldizzone, 1994
4.2. Typenmaterial
Falkovitsh (1972: 698): “Голотип, ♂ , СССР, Бухарская облать, уроч. Аякгужумды, 40 км всточнее Джингилъды, 9 УI 1970 (Фалькович). Паратиы. СССР: 13 ♂ 7 ♀ , там же, 25 У-18 УI 1970; 6 ♂ 1 ♀ , Бухарская область, Шафрикан, 16 У 1970 (Фалькович).”
Unterart C. c. maior:
Baldizzone (1994: 59): “- Holotypus ♂ (PG Bldz 7943): “21.V.1961 Syria Karjeten NO v. Damaskus Kasy & Vartian”. coll.NHMW. - Paratypi: 6 ♂♂, 1 ♀, idem. collezioni NHMW e Baldizzone.”
4.3. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung der Unterart C. c. maior: Baldizzone, G. (1994): Contribuzioni alla conoscenza dei Coleophoridae LXXV. Coleophoridae dell'Area Irano-Anatolica e regioni limitrofe (Lepidoptera). — Associazione Naturalistica Piemontese Memorie 3: 1-423. Stenstrup (Apollo Books).
- Erstbeschreibung: Фалькович, М. И. (1972): Новые виды чехлоносок (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) из пустыни Гоби [New species of casebearers (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) from the Gobi Desert]. — Насекомые Монголии 1: 693-714.
- Falkovitsh, M.I. (1988): Some Information on the Coleophoridae (Lepidoptera) of the Kyzyl-Kum Desert. — 297-347. In: Davis, D.R. [ed.] (1988): Lepidopterous Fauna of the USSR and Adjacent Countries. A Collection of Papers Dedicated to Professor Alexsandr Sergeevich Danilevskii collected by O.L. Kryzhanovskii. — I-X, 1-405; New Delhi (Oxonian Press Pvt. Ltd.). [Digitalisat auf archive.org]
- Фалькович, М. И. (1988): К фауне чехлоносок (Lepidoptera, Coleophoridae) южной Туркмении (с описанием новых видов). — Труды Зоологического института Академия наук СССР 178: 134-162.