VorkommenLinks (3)Fundmeldungen
Original description

2. Diagnosis

2.1. Original description

2.2. Further information

Emmerson & Hoare (2019: 64-65) report on New Zealand: "The only New Zealand specimen of this species, a female, was collected in the m.v. trap on 1 November 2014. The moth was initially identified based on wing pattern and comparison with the original description and available photos of Australian specimens; later the identification was confirmed by a 100% DNA barcode match to ANIC material sequenced for BOLD (D. Li, pers. comm. 10 Nov 2014). The moth was likely a vagrant, as the species has not been seen in New Zealand since. Specimens of this species in ANIC are all from Queensland (Brisbane (the type locality), Burleigh and Bucasia), but it is widespread in Australia according to Herbison-Evans and Crossley (2017). The life history is apparently unknown."

(Author: Erwin Rennwald)

2.3. Literature

  • Emmerson, A. & R. Hoare (2019): Lepidoptera from Redvale, Albany, north of Auckland, New Zealand, 2004-2016: an annotated list. — The Weta, 53: 43-70. [/weta.ento.org.nz]
  • Original description: Turner, A. J. (1904): Revision of Australian Lepidoptera. Family Geometridae. — Proceedings of the Royal Society of Victoria. New series 16 (2): 218-284. Melbourne (Ford & Son).