VorkommenLinks (5)Fundmeldungen

2. Diagnose

2.1. Erstbeschreibung

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Andere Kombinationen

3.2. Synonyme

3.3. Faunistik

Die Art wird von Slamka (2008) noch nicht erwähnt. Poltavsky & Artokhin (2015) melden die Art dann erstmals für die Rostov-na-Don-Region im Süden des europäischen Teils von Russland: "The new one species - Chilo niponella (Slamka, 2008, he have not this species in this book) appeared in 2009: primary in the north of the Province. Next appearance registered in 2013 in the Low Don valley and in May 2014 it was a mass flight just in the river’s Don Delta (Table 1). We report about this appearance for the first time. This is mean, that distribution area of Chilo niponella already reaches the East Europe.

The species Chilo niponella (reed stalk borer) originally had East-Palaearctic distribution with the most western known sites in southern Ural. There are no any intermediate catching sites between Rostov-on-Don Province and southern Ural. Probable reasons - the lack of monitoring sites or insufficient experience of regional entomologists which work in the Volga regions. Thus, it is sometimes very difficult to distinguish Chilo niponella and Chilo luteellus visually. In most cases the moth’s genitalia preparation must be carried out (Figs. 1-8). Species Chilo niponella is also known as a rise pest (Yasumatsu & Yano, 1968: as hyrax)." Es deutet sich also an, dass sich die Art stark expansiv verhält - oder einfach leicht verschleppt wird und sich an geeigneten Orten dann ansiedeln kann.

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.4. Literatur

  • Beschreibung als Chilo hyrax: Błeszyński, S. (1965): Crambinae. — Microlepidoptera Palaearctica 1: Textband I-XLVII, 1-553; Tafelband pl. 1-133. Wien (Verlag Georg Fromme & Co).
  • Poltavsky, A.N. & K.S. Artokhin (2015): Invasions by Chilo Zincken, 1817 to the south of European Russia (Lepidoptera: Crambidae). — SHILAP Revista de Lepidopterología, 43 (171): 461-465. [zum PDF-Download auf redalyc.org]
  • Slamka, F. (2008): Pyraloidea of Europe, Vol. 2. Crambinae & Schoenobiinae. Identification - Distribution - Habitat - Biology. — 193 Arten, 223 S., 51 Taf. mit Genitalabb., 24 Farbtaf. – Bratislava (Eigenverlag František Slamka).
  • Erstbeschreibung: Thunberg, C. P. (1788): D. D. Museum naturalium academiae upsaliensis 6: 69-84, 1 pl.