3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)
Baldizzone & Tabell (2007) erklären: "The name of the new taxon alludes to the Arkaim reserve, where the first specimens were discovered."
3.2. Andere Kombinationen
- Ecebalia arkaimella (Baldizzone & Tabell, 2007) [so bei Anikin et al. (2017) und Sinev (2019)]
3.3. Faunistik
Baldizzone & Tabell (2007) schreiben: "Known from three localities in the southern Ural Mountains." Nach der Fauna Europaea ([], version 2.4, last update 27 January 2011) kommt die Art im Osten des europäischen Teils von Russland vor.
3.4. Typenmaterial
Baldizzone & Tabell (2007) schreiben zum Holotypus: "Holotype m “Russia, S-Ural, Orenburg district, Pokrovka village 20 km S, Schibendy valley, 28-V-2004, K. NUPPONEN leg.”, in coll. T. & K. NUPPONEN." Hinzu kommen insgesamt 19 Paratypen.
3.5. Literatur
- Anikin, V.V., Sachkov, S.A. & V.V. Zolotuhin (2017): "Fauna lepidopterologica Volgo-Uralensis": from P. Pallas to present days. — Proceedings of the Museum Witt Munich, Volume 7: 1-696; Munich and Vilnius.
- Erstbeschreibung: Baldizzone, G. & J. Tabell (2007): Seven new species of the genus Coleophora Hübner (Lepidoptera: Coleophoridae) from the Volgo-Ural Region. — Acta Zoologica Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae 53 (suppl. 1): 21-46 [PDF auf].
- Синёв, С. Ю. [ed.] (2019): Каталог чешуекрылых (Lepidoptera) России. Издание второе [Sinev, S. Yu. (ed.) (2019): Catalogue of the Lepidoptera of Russia. Second edition]: 1-448.