VorkommenLinks (4)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Meyrick (1921: 120): “TRANSVAAL, Pretoria, in February and March (Swierstra); two specimens.”

Baldizzone & van der Wolf (2011) geben die Daten des Lectotypus wieder: “Lectotype ♀: “Pret. Nort | 24-2-1917 | C. J. Swierstra” [printed and handwritten]; “6374” [handwritten, it concerns a GP by Janse]; “Coleophora presbytica Meyr. | Type No. 2582” [in red, handwritten and printed]; “LECTOTYPUS ♀ | Coleophora presbytica Meyrick | G. Baldizzone, 1992” [red label]. Coll. TMSA.”

2.2. Literatur