2. Biologie
2.1. Nahrung der Raupe
Zu den beiden von ihr gezüchteten Paratypen vermerkte Braun (1972: 83) “on a Composite” bzw. “same data as the allotype”; zur Struktur der Minen schreibt sie: “The elongate mines from which the allotype and paratype were reared lie between the midrib and the margin of the narrow leaves of the food plant; all green tissue is consumed, and the mine is about equally apparent on either surface.”
3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Andere Kombinationen
- Tischeria marginata Braun, 1972 [Originalkombination]
3.2. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: Braun, A. F. (1972): Tischeriidae of America north of Mexico (Microlepidoptera). — Memoirs of the American Entomological Society 28: 1-148. [PDF auf ia800603.us.archive.org]