2. Weitere Informationen
2.1. Literatur
- Austin, G. T. & O. H. H. Mielke (2000): Hesperiidae of Rondônia, Brazil: Cephise Evans (Pyrginae), with descriptions of new species from Mexico and Brazil. — Revista Brasileira de Zoologia 17 (3): 757-788. [PDF auf pdfs.semanticscholar.org]
- Erstbeschreibung: Burns, J. M. (1996): Genitalia and the proper genus: Codatractus gets Mysie and Uvydixa—in a compact cyda group—as well as a hysterectomy, while Cephise gets part of Polythrix (Hesperiidae: Pyrginae). — Journal of the Lepidopterists' Society 50 (3): 173-216. [PDF auf images.peabody.yale.edu]