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2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Wiltshire (1952: 193) beschrieb die Art nach einem einzigen Falter: “Holo-Type (♂) : 2.xi.50, Hunaifagan, 5500 feet, lower slopes of mountains on east side of Khajei plain, about 50 miles south of Shiraz (Pistacietum-Amygdaletum-Crataegetum), Fars, S.-W. Persia (in my collection).”

2.2. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Wiltshire, E. P. (1952): Middle-East Lepidoptera, X. More new species and forms from Persia (Iran) and Syria. — Bulletin de la Société Fouad ler d'Entomologie 36: 187-210. 1 pl.