2. Biologie
2.1. Nahrung der Raupe
- [Malvaceae:] Guazuma ulmifolia [Stonis, Remeikis & Vargas (2019: 161)]
3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: Puplesis, R. & G. S. Robinson (2000): A review of the Central and South American Nepticulidae (Lepidoptera) with special reference to Belize. — Bulletin of the Natural History Museum. Entomology series 69 (1): 3-114. — Digitalisat auf biodiversitylibrary.org: [38], [figs. 33-34], [figs. 146-147], [fig. 218]
- Stonis, J. R., Remeikis, A. & S. A. Vargas (2019): Stigmella pruinosa (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae), a species feeding on Guazuma and exhibiting extraordinary sexual dimorphism, now known to be occurring from Mexico to Colombia. — Biologija 65 (3): 151-164. [PDF auf lmaleidykla.lt]