2. Biologie
2.1. Nahrung der Raupe
- [Rosaceae:] Pyrus amygdaliformis (Mandelblättrige Birne)
- [Rosaceae:] Pyrus elaeagrifolia ? [= Pyrus elaeagnifolia ?] ( Ölbaumblättrige Birne ?)
Laštůvka & Laštůvka (2009) schreiben: "The larvae have been found in the leaves of Pyrus amygdaliformis Vill. in Croatia, and adults have been usually collected near Pyrus elaeagrifolia Pallas in Greece, other Pyrus species are also possible host plants. The indistinctly yellow larva forms a narrow, later slightly dilating mine, with dropping accumulation in its first half (fig. 5). All other nepticulid species mining on Pyrus spp. show green larvae, or greenish white in Ectoedemia atricollis (Stainton, 1857) respectively."
3. Weitere Informationen
3.1. Faunistik
Laštůvka & Laštůvka (2009: 194) fassen den aktuellen Kenntnisstand zusammen: "The distribution of Stigmella irregularis remains insufficiently known. The species has been recorded in Crimea (type locality), the Greek mainland, Crete (van Nieukerken, pers. comm.), Rhodos, Croatia, and Sicily (Laštùvka & Laštùvka 2005). Here recorded for the first time from Croatia, and the first exact faunistic data are supplied for Greece."
Šumpich (2013: 14) meldete die Art als neu für Kroatien: "Pag, Novalja – Potočnica, 26.–30.viii.2001, 1 ♂ (det. A. Laštůvka)".
3.2. Typenmaterial
Puplesis (1994: 61): “Type-material. Holotype: ♂, the Crimea, 20 km W Feodosiya (Karadag Reserve), 2.vi.1987, leg. Budashkin. Paratypes: 1 ♂, the same locality, 24.viii.1986, leg. Budashkin; 2 ♂, the same locality, 10.vi.-2.vii.1987, leg. Budashkin; 2 ♂, the same locality, 2-22.vii.1987, leg. R. Puplesis; 3 ♂, the same locality, 10.vii.1977, leg. S. Reznik; 1 ♂, the same locality, 27.vii.1977, leg. M. Falkovitsh.”
3.3. Literatur
- Laštůvka, A. & Z. Laštůvka (2005): Four new Trifurcula species and additional faunal data on Nepticulidae from Italy (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae). — Acta universitatis agriculturae et silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 53 (1): 7-14. [PDF auf acta.mendelu.cz]
- Laštůvka, A. & Z. Laštůvka (2009): Morphology, biology and distribution of Stigmella irregularis Puplesis (Lepidoptera: Nepticulidae). — Acta universitatis agriculturae et silviculturae Mendelianae Brunensis 57 (5): 193-196. [auf acta.mendelu.cz]
- Erstbeschreibung: Puplesis, R. (1994): The Nepticulidae of Eastern Europe and Asia. Western, Central and Eastern Parts. 1-291, 840 figs. Leiden (Backhuys Publishers).
- Šumpich, J. (2013): Faunistic records of some Microlepidoptera from Croatia. — Entomologia Croatica, 17 (1–4): 13–33. [PDF auf hrcak.srce.hr] bzw. [PDF auf entomologicalservice.com]