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2. Biologie

2.1. Nahrung der Raupe

  • [Ulmaceae:] Ulmus minor [= Ulmus carpinifolia] (Feld-Ulme)

Die Tiere der Typenserie wurden teilweise aus Minen in Blättern der Feld-Ulme ("Ulmus carpinifolia") gezogen.

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Taxonomie

Mey (1999) stellte zu Bucculatrix ulmifoliae fest: "There are no appropriate illustrations of the male genitalia in the literature. The figures in Seksjaeva (1993) are misleading. They probably prevented Puplesis et al. (1991) to correctly associate their newly described Bucculatrix caspica Puplesis & Sruoga, 1991, reared from Ulmus carpinifolia in Southern Russia, with B. ulmifoliae. The genitalic armature of both species is remarkably similar. There are only slight differences visible from the original drawings of B. caspica. However, they could be regarded as caused by the preparation process. Future studies have to show if B. caspica really represents a distinct species."

Anikin et al. (2017:78) streichen die Art, verzichten dabei aber leider auf die von W. Mey vorgeschlagenen weitere Studien (jetzt z.B. auch Barcoding). Sie schreiben lediglich: "Here we following W. Mey (1999: 224), who suggested that B. caspica is a synonym of B. ulmifoliae, therefore the synonymy is established. TL for caspica: "Astrakhan Region, Baskuntschak"." Wir führen das Taxon bis zur Klärung weiterhin getrennt.

3.2. Faunistik

Nach der [Fauna Europaea] kommt die Art im Süden des europäischen Teils von Russland vor.

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.3. Literatur