2. Weitere Informationen
2.1. Typenmaterial
László (2018: 58): “Holotype. Male, “N-Iran 30.5.1971 55°90'L, 37°40'B Gorgantal 50 km östl. Mindudasht 430 m leg. Vartian”, slide No.: LG 3596 (coll. Vartian, NHMW).” — Paratypen aus Iran und Turkmenistan.
2.2. Literatur
- Erstbeschreibung: László, G. M. (2018): Descriptions of new Geometridae species from the Vartian collection with remarks on some poorly known taxa. — In: László, G. M., Lödl, M., Gaal-Haszler, S., Galsworthy, A., Ronkay, A., Ronkay, L. & Z. Varga (2018): Fibigeriana 4. The Vartian Collection. Part IV. Geometridae: 55-71, 101, 124-125, 131. Budapest (Heterocera Press).