VorkommenLinks (4)Fundmeldungen

2. Diagnose

2.1. Falter

2.1.1. Männchen
2.1.2. Weibchen

3. Biologie

3.1. Nahrung der Raupe

  • [Apiaceae:] Angelica arguta
  • [Apiaceae:] Angelica hendersonii
  • [Apiaceae:] Conioselinum chinense
  • [Apiaceae:] Ligusticum apiifolium
  • [Apiaceae:] Oenanthe sarmentosa
  • [Apiaceae:] Osmorhiza chilensis
  • [Apiaceae:] Osmorhiza occidentalis
  • [Araliaceae:] Echinopanax horridum

Nach Hodges (1974)

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Andere Kombinationen

  • Depressaria rosaciliella Busck, 1904 (Originalkombination)

4.2. Faunistik

Nord-Amerika: USA, Kanada

4.3. Literatur

  • Erstbeschreibung: Busck, A. (1904): Tineid Moths from British Columbia, with Descriptions of New Species. — Proceedings of the United States National Museum 27 (1375): 745-778.
  • Clarke, J. F. G. (1941): Revision of the North American moths of the family Oecophoridae, with descriptions of new genera and species. — Proceedings of the United States National Museum 90 (3107): 33-286, pl. 1-48.
  • Hodges, R. W. (1974): The Moths of America North of Mexico Including Greenland. Fascicle 6.2. Gelechioidea Oecophoridae: pp. 1-142, pl. 1-7, pp. V-X. London (E. W. Classey limited and R. B. D. Publications Inc.).