VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Typenmaterial

Razowski (1963: 272): “Holotype (♂): „Alvand, 7000 ft. 20. VII. [19]38, HP. 75, [E. P. Wiltshire]“, G. Sl. 5703. Typoids (2 ♂♂): „S. W. Persia, N. Fars, Comehr-Kakan Rd., 8500 ft., 9. VII. [19]50, FF. 106, E. P. Wiltshire“, G. Sl. 5711, and „Alvand, c. 9000 ft., 27. VII. [19]38, HP. 75, [E. P. Wiltshire]“, without abdomen. Holotype and one typoid in coll. of Dr. H. G. Amsel, second typoid from North Fars in author's coll.”

2.2. Literatur