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2. Biologie

2.1. Nahrung der Raupe

Noch unbekannt! Die Autoren der Erstbeschreibung (Junnilainen & Kaitila 2017) können aber schreiben: "All specimens were collected around Helichrysum zivojini Černjavski & Soska, 1940 or H. stoechas (L.) Moench, 1794 (Asteraceae); one or both of these plants is probably the host plant of the new species".

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Junnilainen & Kaitila (2017) schreiben: "The name of the new species is dedicated to the famous Galičica National Park."

3.2. Taxonomie

Wohl wissend, dass eine Unmenge an Namen von Pterophoridae-Arten in der Synonymie verschwunden sind, entschlossen sich die Autoren, vor einer Neubeschreibung auch ein Barcoding durchführen zu lassen. Das Ergebnis war sehr eindeutig: Ihr Taxon ist unbeschrieben und genetisch deutlich getrennt von allen anderen Arten der Gattung: "We sequenced the DNA barcode region of the new species to reduce the risk of creating a new synonym for an existing species. The DNA barcode sequence (sample ID MM24208) in BOLD (www.barcodinglife.org) shows a clear difference from all other species of Platyptilia and constitutes a unique BIN (BOLD: ACW2728). The nearest species is Platyptilia johnstoni Lange, 1940, a North American species differing by a minimum K2P distance of 4.87%. The next closest are Platyptilia gonodactyla with 5.12%, P. calodactyla with 5.84%, P. nemoralis with 6.14%, and P. tesseradactyla with 6.83%. At the moment 29 species of Platyptilia have barcode data in BOLD, some of which are likely to be undescribed with an interim OTU name. Usually Platyptilia species have no or little intraspecific variation in barcodes, even when samples selected are geographically far from each other. For example, in all barcoded P. gonodactyla, including over 40 specimens, variation is less than 0.5% in BOLD. Because the barcode differences are so large between the new species and its nearest neighbours, it is clear that our new Platyptilia species has not been previously barcoded, not even amongst the several barcoded but un-named Platyptilia species."

3.3. Typenmaterial

Junnilainen & Kaitila (2017) informieren: "Holotype: ♂, Macedonia, Ohrid, Galičica National Park, Old Ski Center Oteshevo 1450 m a.s.l., 40.980ºN; 20.860ºE, 26.vi.2014. J. Junnilainen leg. & coll. with red label “HOLOTYPE of Platyptilia galicicaensis Junnilainen & Kaitila”. - Paratypes 16♂, 7♀: 1♂, 3♀ same locality and data as holotype, 1♀ with label Gen. Prep. No: GPJJ201604 and 1♀ with green label DNA sample 24208 Lepid phyl. and Gen. Prep. No: GPJJ201705; 8♂, 3♀ same locality as holotype but dates 3♂ 24.vi.2014, 2♂ genitalia preserved in glycerol; 1♂ 25.vi.2014 with label Gen. Prep. No: GPJJ201607; 2♀ 28.vi.2014; 3♂, 1♀ 14.vi.2015, 1♂ with label Gen. Prep. No: GPJJ201602; 2♂ 15.vi.2015; same data as holotype 4♂ except J-P. Kaitila leg. & coll.; same data except dates 1♂ 24.vi.2014 and 1♂, 1♀ 25.vi.2014. All paratypes with red labels “PARATYPE of Platyptilia galicicaensis Junnilainen & Kaitila”.

3.4. Faunistik

Die Art ist bisher nur aus Mazedonien bekannt: "Only known from the type locality, Galičica National Park, Ohrid, Republic of Macedonia" (Junnilainen & Kaitila 2017).

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

3.5. Literatur