VorkommenLinks (2)Fundmeldungen

2. Diagnose

Nach Baryshnikova & Budashkin (2005: 180): “The new species is similar to P. tristrigella Hw. in the general characters of the forewing pattern and structure of the male and female genitalia, differing, however, in the valva, which is markedly shorter and differently shaped as compared to that in the specimen of P. tristrigella from England (Fig. 3).”

4. Weitere Informationen

4.1. Typenmaterial

Die Typen (drei ♂♂ und ein ♀) befinden sich nach Baryshnikova & Budashkin (2005: 179) “at Zoological Institute, St. Petersburg”.

4.2. Faunistik

Locus typicus nach Baryshnikova & Budashkin (2005: 179): Ukraine, Krim, Krasnolesye, Waldwiese.

4.3. Literatur