VorkommenLinks (8)Fundmeldungen

2. Diagnose

2.1. Männchen

2.2. Erstbeschreibung

3. Weitere Informationen

3.1. Andere Kombinationen

3.2. Synonyme

3.3. Anmerkung zur Autorschaft

Fourcroy war lediglich der Herausgeber des Werkes von 1785. Sämtliche Beschreibungen darin stammen von Geoffroy [Forum].

3.4. Faunistik

Corley et al. (2020) schließen die Art aus der Fauna Portugals aus: "Delete Phalacropterix graminifera (Fourcroy, 1785) from Portuguese list. A specimen in SMNK collected by T. Monteiro and determined as the synonym constancella Bruand, 1853 by Sieder is P. fritschi Hättenschwiler, 2003 (W. Arnscheid, pers. comm.). Other Monteiro specimens of P.graminifera can be assumed to belong to P. fritschi, see below.

Text below for P. fritschi: "DL: Singeverga, VI-1948, Monteiro (SMNK). Monteiro’s other records of constancella from Mosteiro de Singeverga, Citânia de Sanfins, Santa do Amparo, Azurara and Pedras Rubras (MONTEIRO, 1956) are all from Douro Litoral. As Monteiro would have named these by comparison with the Singeverga specimen named by Sieder, there can be little doubt that all belong to P. fritschi. This is a considerable extension of range for the Portuguese endemic P. fritschi, previously known only from Algarve."

(Autor: Thomas Guggemoos)

3.5. Literatur