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2. Weitere Informationen

2.1. Etymologie (Namenserklärung)

Gozmány (1952: 386): “I nominate this exquisite new Solenobia to honor the late Dr. John Wagner, world-specialist of carnivore slugs, my uncle, who gave me my first butterfly-net, and taught me basic zoology: to love and try to understand Nature.”

2.2. Andere Kombinationen

2.3. Faunistik

Die Art wurde aus Rumänien beschrieben und scheint eine nur sehr eingeschränkte Verbreitung zu haben. Rákosy & Goia (2021: 177) erläutern: "The species was described using the material collected on Romanian territory. The holotype of the species - 1 ♂ collected in 1913 from eastern Carpathians, Țibleș Mountains (Gozmány 1952). Recent reports from this region include Țibleș Mountains and Rodna Mountains (Weidlich, pers. comm. 2018). M. Weidlich believes that the reports from other regions of Romania could be the result of an incorrect determination."

(Autor: Erwin Rennwald)

2.4. Typenmaterial

Gozmány (1952: 286): “Holotype: male, Mt. Czibles (at Radnai Range, Roumania), 3. May. 1913. leg. Ujhelyi. 22 paratypes of the same locality and date. All specimens in the Collection of the Hungarian Natural History Museum, Budapest.”

2.5. Literatur